Affective Design Theory Product Personalities Psychology

“Emotional Design with A.C.T. – Pt. 1” on Boxes and Arrows

Over at Boxes and Arrows, they’ve published the first part of an article I’ve been working on for some time now on how to design products with personalities that encourage the people who use them to form relationships.

Affective Design Theory Articles Posters Product Personalities

“Emotional Design with A.C.T.” at the 2010 IA Summit

I’ve given talks at a number of conferences over the years, but the 2010 IA Summit was my first time presenting both a talk and a poster.

Affective Design Theory Emotion & Attention Presentations

“Design for Emotion and Flow” at the 2010 IA Summit

After a couple of years off, it was great to be back at the IA Summit in Phoenix this past April, and even better to give a talk on Design for Emotion and Flow...

Affective Design Theory Articles Psychology

Design for Emotion and Flow on Boxes and Arrows

Over at Boxes and Arrows, they’ve just published an article I’ve written discussing how to design interfaces that encourage the creation of “flow“.

Affective Design Theory Emotion & UX Emotional Products

Ubisoft Aims for More Emotional Games

Over at Wired Magazine, Ubisoft’s Montreal CEO talks about the importance of making video games more emotional to increase appeal to gamers.

Affective Design Theory Product Personalities Psychology

Understanding Design for Emotion Models

With all the different models out there used to describe designing for emotion, it can be difficult to understand how to apply any individual model, or understand how all the models relate to each other. Several years ago, I set out to gain an understanding of how these models were different and how they were similar.

Affective Design Theory Opinions Psychology

Blink vs. Think, or Unconscious vs. Conscious

Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, was one book caught in the broad net I threw out while performing my master’s thesis research. When I read the book, I had a couple of issues with it…

Affective Design Theory Emotional Services

LEMTool – Experiment #1: Results

Kevin Capota has posted the results of the first experiment with the LEMTool. His blog displays three emotion scorecards that rate three websites…

Affective Design Theory Emotional Services

LEMTool – Experiment #1

Kevin Capota, a master’s student at Twente University, is running the first experiment to test out his Layered Emotion Measurement Tool…

Affective Design Theory Emotion & Business Opinions

Older People Are Less Affected By Unpleasant Info?

Reuters has an article about how older people are less affected by unpleasant information. This is an interesting finding, since it has previously been found that negative, unpleasant information is more motivating and captures more attention than positive information…

Affective Design Theory Opinions

Expectations Determine Happiness

The New York Times has an article about how our expectations determine how happy we are…

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