Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Harry Max – Pt. 2

In Part 1 of this interview, I spoke with early Web pioneer Harry Max about how he used emotion to create the first secure online shopping experience. In Part 2 of this interview, Harry and I talk about how sensory sub-modalities influence and elicit emotion and picking the right personality for an interface in terms of power and status.

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Harry Max – Pt. 1

Harry maxRecently, I had the chance to talk with early Web pioneer Harry Max about using NLP, emotion and personality to help create the first secure online shopping experience.

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Dr. BJ Fogg – Pt.3

In part 3, I talked with Dr. BJ Fogg about conducting research on persuasion and incorporating the results of that research into projects. Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 for more on persuasion and designing emotion…

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Dr. BJ Fogg – Pt.2

In part 2 of my interview with Dr. BJ Fogg, we discuss social agents, social cues, Web 2.0, persuasion and designing for emotion. Be sure to read part 1 for more on persuasion and designing emotion…

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Dr. BJ Fogg – Pt.1

Dr. BJ FoggA few weeks ago, I had the chance to speak with Dr. BJ Fogg, author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do and founder of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University about persuasion, emotion and what it is that makes Web 2.0 so darned persuasive…

Emotions & Information Opinions Persuasion

Visualize and Communicate Information Persuasively

When it comes to communicating information in a way that resonates persuasively with people, it’s important to tailor how that information is displayed…

Effects of Affect Emotion & Business Persuasion

Emotions Dominate Decision-Making

An article on USA Today discusses how a study in the field of neuroeconomics is offering some confirmination of recent observations by neuroscientists regarding emotion’s dominant role in the brain’s decision-making process…

Emotion & Business Emotional Products Opinions Persuasion

Pharmaceutical Advertising Relies on Emotional Appeal

Medical News Today has an article about how pharmaceutical advertising relies on appeals to consumer’s emotions rather than on providing information…

Emotion & Business Opinions Persuasion

Retailers Use Emotions for Persuasion

Last September, I was in Sweden to give a presentation at Design and Emotion 2006. While shopping in a local department store, I came across a pair of pants that I liked…

Emotion & Business Opinions Persuasion

Tapping into the “Empathic Economy”

Creative Generalist has an interview with Jane Fulton Suri from IDEO about tapping into what she calls the “empathic economy”…

Effects of Affect Emotion & Business Opinions Persuasion

Unconscious, Emotional Decisions?

New Scientist has an article about how making complex decisions by relying on the unconscious mind results in more satisfaction…

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